domingo, 20 de março de 2016

Visitar | To Visit - Praça da Batalha | Batalha Square

A 7 minutos de distância do apartamento.
Na Praça da Batalha encontra-se a estátua em bronze de Rei D. Pedro V, representado de pé com cabeça descoberta e envergando uniforme militar de tenente-general. Teixeira Lopes (pai) é o autor desta obra que foi inaugurada em fevereiro de 1866. Está colocada num pedestal monumental em forma octogonal, relevado nas quatro faces. A face principal está orientada a poente e contem os emblemas da religião, tendo a face do lado sul os emblemas da indústria; na face este estão representado os emblemas da agricultura e do lado norte os emblemas das artes.

Local: Praça da Batalha, 4000-102

7 minutes distance from de apartment.
Teixeira Lopes (senior) is the author of this sculpture inaugurated in February 1866. With a monumental octagonal pedestal, it has bas-reliefs in four surfaces, with the main facing north and showing the symbols of religion. The surface facing west shows the symbols of industry; the surface facing south, the symbols of agriculture; and the eastern surface shows the symbols of the arts. All the surfaces have inscriptions. The octahedrals have four panels, over which one can see the coat of arms of Portugal, of Porto, and of Saxe-Coburgo-Gotha. The statue stands on top of the pedestal. The base, also octagonal, is set on four steps. Over the steps are four medallions with the inscription of the names of the main contributors. The monument is surrounded by a melted iron railing, interrupted by eight pilasters.

Address: Praça da Batalha, 4000-102

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